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Delivering Superior Investment Results

Elites option is a leading global alternative investment management firm with expertise in investment strategies. The firm’s competitive advantages include its experienced team of investment professionals, a global platform and a unifying investment philosophy.

This investment philosophy — the six tenets of which are risk control, consistency, market inefficiency, specialization, bottom-up analysis and disavowal of market timing — is complemented by a set of core business principles that articulate Everest’s commitment to excellence in investing; commonality of interests with clients; a collaborative and cooperative culture; and a disciplined, opportunistic approach to the expansion of offerings.


Business Principles

Our people are guided by our business principles, and our strategies operate according to our unifying investment philosophy.

Market Research

Our research revolves around enumerating the elements required for success and identifying investment candidates through which we seek to satisfy those requirements.


Our goal is excellence in investing. To us, this means achieving attractive returns without commensurate risk.

Ethical Personnel

A harmonious workplace and a spirit of cooperation are indispensable; personnel turnover, office politics and unhealthy competition are to be guarded against.

Common Interests

To achieve commonality of interests with our clients, we pay strict attention to potential conflicts of interests, avoiding them if possible and dealing fairly with them if not.

Client Communication

Communication with clients must meet their needs and strengthen our relationships with them. We want every client to thoroughly understand our philosophy, approach, actions and results.


Our firm’s profitability must stem from doing all of the above. Everest is run for the benefit of its clients and their constituencies, as well as for its owners and employees.

Key Market Stakes